Top Five First Aid Skills You Should Practice Every Year

Do you know how to perform CPR or treat burns in an emergency? Learn about the top five first-aid skills you should practice every year to stay prepared!

First aid is an essential skill that everyone should know. It can make a big difference in an emergency, whether at home, work or in public. However, it is not enough to learn these skills once and forget about them. Just like any skill, first aid must be practiced regularly to ensure you are ready when the time comes. That is why doing an annual refresher is so important.

In this post, we will cover the top five first aid skills you should practice every year, especially during your First aid at work (Annual Refresher) training. These skills are simple but can save lives in critical moments.

1. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

One of the most critical first aid skills to practice annually is CPR. When someone’s heart stops beating, immediate action is crucial. Knowing how to perform CPR properly can help keep oxygen flowing to the brain and increase the chances of survival.

CPR is a hands-on skill, and practicing it regularly helps you remember the correct technique, such as the right compression depth and rhythm. In an emergency, every second counts, so you need to be confident in your ability to react quickly. A yearly refresher will help you maintain this confidence.

2. Choking Relief

Choking can happen to anyone, anywhere. It is a scary situation, but knowing how to help can prevent a tragedy. The Heimlich maneuver, or abdominal thrusts, is the most common method for clearing an airway blockage. However, it is essential to practice this technique regularly to ensure you are applying the right amount of pressure and aiming for the correct spot.

Practicing this skill yearly helps you respond confidently if you see someone choking. Many first aid courses, including the First Aid at work (Annual Refresher), will teach you how to assist both adults and children.

3. Wound Care

Cuts, scrapes, and deeper wounds are common injuries, and knowing how to treat them properly is important for preventing infection and promoting healing. Learning how to clean a wound, apply dressings, and monitor for signs of infection are all part of wound care.

Though it may seem simple, wound care techniques can change, and keeping up with the latest best practices will ensure you provide the right help when needed. First aid courses can teach you how to deal with various wounds, from minor cuts to more severe injuries that require pressure to stop bleeding.

First Aid at Work (Annual Refresher)
First Aid at Work (Annual Refresher)

4. Treating Burns

Burns are another common injury that can occur at home or work. The severity of burns can range from mild to life threatening, and knowing how to treat them is essential. For minor burns, cooling the affected area with water and applying a sterile dressing are standard steps. However, for more severe burns, immediate medical help is necessary.

Practicing burn treatment each year helps you remember how to assess burn severity and what to do in each case. You will also stay updated on any new first aid techniques for handling burns, which could prove lifesaving in a crisis.

5. Dealing with Shock

Shock is a medical condition that can result from severe injury, blood loss, or trauma. Recognizing the symptoms of shock—such as pale skin, rapid breathing, and confusion—and knowing how to respond are vital first aid skills. The main goal is to keep the person calm, warm, and stable while waiting for emergency services to arrive.

Because shock can develop quickly after an injury, understanding how to manage it is essential. Practicing this skill during annual refresher courses ensures you stay prepared to act immediately in these situations.

Why Practice Every Year?

First aid skills can easily fade if not practiced regularly. That is why taking a First aid at Work (Annual Refresher) course is recommended. Not only does this keep your skills fresh, but it also allows you to learn any updates or changes in first aid techniques. Consistent practice gives you confidence and prepares you to act quickly and correctly when emergencies arise.

Furthermore, being prepared with first aid skills is beneficial for both personal and workplace safety. Whether you are helping a colleague at work, a family member, or a stranger in public, knowing these essential skills makes you a valuable asset in any situation.


First aid is a powerful tool that can save lives. However, these skills can be forgotten without regular practice, reducing your ability to respond effectively in emergencies. By focusing on the top five skills—CPR, choking relief, wound care, burn treatment, and dealing with shock—you can ensure you’re ready to help when it matters most.

Taking a First aid at Work (Annual Refresher) course every year is a simple yet impactful way to keep your skills sharp. Do not wait for an emergency to happen—be proactive and stay prepared by refreshing your first aid knowledge annually.

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